Jerin gudummuwar ma'aikaci Flow talk page manager
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A user with 8 edits. Account created on 3 Agusta 2015.
2 Oktoba 2015
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +179 N Samfuri:Archive for converted wikitext talk page →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +127 N Samfuri:Wikitext talk page converted to Flow →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +135 N Samfuri:LQT post imported with different signature user →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +113 N Samfuri:LQT post imported with supressed user →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +168 N Samfuri:Archive for converted LQT page →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +149 N Samfuri:LQT page converted to Flow →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
- 20:0020:00, 2 Oktoba 2015 bamban tarihi +86 N Samfuri:LQT Moved thread stub converted to Flow →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu
3 Agusta 2015
- 23:3223:32, 3 Agusta 2015 bamban tarihi +49 N Samfuri:FlowMention →Automatically created by Flow na yanzu